The True Story of Hanako-san: Japan’s Ghost in the Bathroom

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Written By Razvan Radu

Adventurer. Storyteller. Paranormal investigator. Cryptozoology enthusiast.

Have you ever heard of the ghost in Japan that haunts school bathrooms, waiting in the third stall, ready to answer if you call her name? Known as Hanako-san, her story has terrified generations of schoolchildren across the country.

But who is she, really? And what happens when she answers? The truth behind this eerie legend might be more unsettling than you think.

Who is the Bloody Mary of Japan?

Hanako-san—Japan’s very own school bathroom ghost that’s been giving kids goosebumps for generations.

Think of her as the Japanese counterpart to Bloody Mary, but with her own unique twist. She’s the spirit that haunts the third stall of girls’ bathrooms in schools nationwide.

So, how do you meet her? Well, according to this urban legend, all you need is a ritual that’s been passed around playgrounds for years. You head to the third stall, knock three times, and ask, “Hanako-san, are you there?” It’s a dare that tests your courage… and maybe your sanity.

Dark sketch of a misty haunted forest with twisted trees, eerie shadows, and a ghostly figure resembling Hanako-san.

Who Was Hanako-san?

According to this Japanese urban legend, everything started in a small, quiet town, at the Shimizu Elementary School.

There was nothing special about this place. Just a school like any other. Filled with the chatter of students, the scratch of pencils on paper, and the occasional scrape of chairs against linoleum floors.

One overcast afternoon, as gray clouds loomed overhead, a curious student named Yuki heard whispers about a ghost haunting the girls’ bathroom on the third floor.

Unaware of what may happen, she shared these rumors with some of her friends, who dared her to summon Hanako-san, teasing that she was too chicken to try. Never one to back down, Yuki accepted the challenge.

As the final bell rang and students flooded out, Yuki stayed behind. The hallways emptied, and silence settled like a thick fog. She made her way to the infamous bathroom, her footsteps echoing against the tiled floors. The fluorescent lights flickered, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls.

And there she was. Before the third stall—the one rumored to be Hanako-san’s home.

Gathering her courage, she knocked three times. Knock. Knock. Knock. “Hanako-san, are you there?” she called out, her voice barely above a whisper.

For a moment, there was nothing but the drip of a leaky faucet. Then, a faint voice replied, “Yes, I am.” Yuki’s breath caught. She hesitated but felt an inexplicable pull compelling her to continue. She grasped the cold metal handle and slowly pushed the door open.

Inside stood a young girl with short black hair and a red skirt—a uniform style from decades past. Her skin was pale, almost translucent, and her eyes held a distant sadness. “Do you want to play?” Hanako-san asked, her lips curling into a gentle smile.

Yuki nodded, words failing her. Suddenly, the bathroom lights dimmed, and a chilling wind swept through the room, rustling their hair. The tiles beneath their feet began to shift, and the walls seemed to breathe.

Hanako-san extended her hand, and without thinking, Yuki took it.

In an instant, the bathroom dissolved around them. Yuki found herself standing on the edge of a dark, mist-covered forest. Shadows moved between the trees, and whispers filled the air—a cacophony of lost voices. “Where are we?” she stammered.

“The place where forgotten souls wander,” Hanako-san replied softly. “I was lonely. Thank you for joining me.”

Realizing the gravity of her situation, panic surged through Yuki. She tried to pull away, but Hanako-san’s grip tightened like a vise. “I want to go back!” Yuki cried out.

Hanako-san’s eyes flashed with a hint of sorrow. “I’m afraid it’s too late,” she whispered. “Once you’re here, there’s no turning back.”

Back at Shimizu Elementary, days turned into weeks, and Yuki never returned. Her sudden disappearance became just another unsolved case and one of those strange Japanese urban legends.

Hanako-san Origins

There are several theories about where and how this Japanese urban legend started.

Dark depiction of a wartime Japanese school during an air raid, with a girl hiding in the bathroom stall.

Wartime Tragedy

One compelling theory about the origin of Hanako-san dates back to the dark days of World War II.

In the early 1940s, as Allied forces intensified air raids over Japan, cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagasaki faced relentless bombing. Schools were not spared, and air raid drills became a grim part of daily life for children.

According to this theory, Hanako may have been an elementary school girl. Some stories specify that she was in the third grade, which may be linked to the number three significance in Japanese folklore.

It’s likely that during one devastating air raid, Hanako sought refuge in the girls’ bathroom, believing it to be a safe hiding spot.

Tragically, a bomb struck the school directly. The building suffered catastrophic damage, and Hanako was killed, trapped in the very stall where she hid.

It’s also likely that her body was never recovered. If that’s true, according to Japanese tradition, that also means that her spirit remained bound to that spot, unable to move on due to the sudden and violent nature of her death.

School Incident or Accident

Another prevalent theory shifts the origin from wartime to a more localized school tragedy.

Hanako was likely a student in the 1950s or 1960s who met an untimely end due to a horrific accident or a violent incident within the school grounds. The theory may be correct, given that school incidents were common in Japan during that time.

This idea is also based on several variations of the original horror story that suggest that Hanako was playing hide-and-seek with her classmates when she chose the third-floor bathroom as her hiding spot.

SpookySight recommends:

Unaware of the danger, she climbed onto the toilet to conceal herself better, lost her footing, and suffered a fatal fall. The sudden accident left her spirit trapped in the place of her death.

In a darker variation, Hanako becomes the victim of a crime. A stranger, possibly a deranged individual or a fleeing criminal, entered the school. Hanako, encountering the intruder while in the bathroom, was unable to escape and was killed.

The school covered up the incident to avoid scandal. Still, the students passed down the story, keeping her memory alive through the Hanako-san urban legend.

Dark sketch of an empty school hallway at night leading to a dimly lit haunted bathroom door.

Possible Connection to Yokai

Hanako-san’s urban legend may also be connected to the yokai myth—supernatural creatures and spirits that have been part of Japanese mythology for centuries.

Bathrooms, in particular, are often considered mystical places in Japanese folklore.

The Akaname, for example, is a yokai known as the “filth licker.” This creature is depicted as a small goblin-like being that comes out at night to lick the grime and dirt off unclean bathroom surfaces.

Another spiritual entity is the Kawayagami (or river deity), sometimes associated with water and, by extension, bathrooms. These deities were believed to inhabit areas with water, watching over or sometimes haunting those spaces.

The concept of Hanako-san could be a modern adaptation of these ancient beliefs. As society evolved, old legends transformed to fit new settings. The school bathroom replaces the ancient river or bathhouse, and Hanako-san emerges as a contemporary yokai haunting students.

How to Summon Hanako-san

We’ve mentioned above that, according to the urban legend, Hanako-san can be summoned through a ritual. Here’s a detailed guide that’s been circulating in schools across Japan for decades:

Step-by-step summoning process:

  1. Choose the Right Time: The ritual is most effective when the school is quiet—during lunch breaks, after school hours, or when classes are in session, and the hallways are empty.
  2. Find an Empty Girls’ Bathroom: The bathroom should ideally be on the third floor, aligning with the recurring theme of the number three in Hanako-san’s legend.
  3. Enter the Third Stall: Walk into the bathroom and stop before the third stall. This stall is considered the gateway to contacting Hanako-san.
  4. Knock Three Times: Gently knock on the stall door three times. The triple knock is symbolic and is said to capture her attention.
  5. Speak the Incantation: Clearly ask, “Hanako-san, are you there?” It’s crucial to use her name to personalize the summon.
  6. Listen Carefully: Pause and listen for a response. Some say you might hear a faint “Yes, I am,” or perhaps the rustling of clothes or a soft giggle.
  7. Proceed with Caution: If you’re brave enough, you can choose to open the stall door slowly. Be prepared for what you might—or might not—find.
  8. Respect the Ritual: Whether or not you experience anything unusual, you must leave respectfully. Some suggest saying goodbye to close the connection.

Students have reported a variety of experiences after performing the Hanako-san summoning ritual. While some encounter nothing out of the ordinary, others swear by unexplained phenomena that left them spooked for days.

What Happens After the Summoning?

According to the legend, performing the summoning ritual may lead to several different outcomes:

  • A Harmless Encounter: In the most likely scenario, students will find the stall empty. Some may feel an uncanny presence or a sudden chill. Some report hearing footsteps or whispers as they leave the bathroom.
  • A Visible Apparition: If you are unlucky, you may actually see Hanako-san herself—a pale girl with dark, bobbed hair and a red skirt or dress. She might simply stand there, staring silently, causing the summoner to flee in fear.
  • Physical Interaction: In more extreme cases, Hanako-san extends a hand or even speaks. Accepting her invitation can lead to dire consequences, such as being pulled into the stall. Legends warn that those who are taken vanish without a trace, supposedly dragged into the underworld, or even taken to hell.
  • Encountering Other Entities: Some versions of the story mention that if Hanako-san doesn’t appear… another creature might.
  • Paranormal Phenomena: In some cases, those who attempted the ritual reported malfunctioning lights, faucets turning on by themselves, toilets flushing repeatedly, or mirrors fogging up with handprints appearing spontaneously.

Hanako-san in Modern Media

Hanako-san has leaped from schoolyard whispers to the big screen and beyond, becoming a staple in Japanese pop culture. Her story has been adapted and reimagined, introducing her to new audiences and keeping the legend fresh.

Here’s a breakdown of her most notable appearances:

Toire no Hanako-sanFilm1995A horror flick delving into Hanako-san’s origins, following a young girl who uncovers the terrifying truth behind the school legend.
Shinsei Toire no Hanako-sanFilm1998The sequel to the 1995 movie, adding new twists to Hanako-san’s haunting narrative.
Gakkou no Kowai Uwasa: Hanako-san ga Kita!!Anime1994An anime series focusing on school ghost stories, with Hanako-san as the central spook haunting hallways and bathrooms.
Hanako and the Terror of AllegoryManga2008A manga where urban legends come to life, featuring Hanako-san as one of the key supernatural entities interacting with the protagonists.
Gakkou no Kaidan (Ghost Stories)Anime2000An anime series that includes Hanako-san among various ghosts, as students attempt to survive their haunted school.
Yo-Kai WatchAnime/Video Game2014 onwardsA popular franchise where Hanako-san appears as “Hanako,” a friendly yokai who aids the main characters in their adventures.
Toilet-bound Hanako-kunManga/AnimeManga: 2014–presentAnime: 2020A modern reimagining where Hanako-san is portrayed as a male ghost named Hanako-kun who haunts a school’s bathroom and forms a pact with a student girl.
Dark sketch of a ghostly girl with short black hair and a red skirt standing in front of a haunted bathroom stall.

Variations and Regional Differences

Hanako-san isn’t just one story. It’s a living, breathing piece of folklore that morphs as it moves across Japan. What started as a simple ghost story has evolved into numerous regional variations, each shaped by the local culture, history, and even geography.

Depending on where you are, Hanako-san might be portrayed differently—sometimes in unsettling ways, sometimes with a touch of sympathy.

In some parts of Japan, Hanako-san has a male counterpart named Taro-san, who haunts the boys’ bathrooms. His appearance and demeanor vary, but like Hanako, Taro-san can be summoned through a ritual, making him just as terrifying.

In other regions, Hanako-san is depicted as having a missing limb or wearing blood-stained clothing. Some say she wears a red skirt; others claim she’s draped in white, her clothes tattered and dirty.

Then there are stories where she’s not so menacing. In some versions, Hanako-san is a benign spirit who just wants someone to play with. Kids might leave small toys or candies in the bathroom stall as offerings.

The essence of Hanako-san also aligns with other famous Japanese urban legends. These include stories like Kuchisake-onna (The Slit-Mouthed Woman), who confronts people with a deadly question about her appearance, or Aka Manto, a sinister figure who offers you a fatal choice in the bathroom.

Though these legends differ, they share a common theme: they haunt everyday spaces like schools and restrooms. In these places, people are alone and vulnerable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hanako-san real?

Short answer: Nope. No solid evidence suggests that Hanako-san is a real person or ghost. She’s a popular urban legend passed down through generations of Japanese schoolchildren. While the stories are chilling, they’re part of folklore rather than documented reality.

How to escape Hanako-san?

Legends suggest a few escape routes if you find yourself face-to-face with Hanako-san. One version says you can present her with a good grade on a test, distracting her long enough to flee. Another suggests that telling her you have a sibling waiting for you might elicit sympathy, allowing you to leave unharmed. But honestly, it’s best not to summon her in the first place!

What is Hanako-san’s real name?

Hanako is actually a common Japanese girl’s name, meaning “flower girl.” The name is generic and doesn’t point to a specific individual. In the context of the legend, Hanako-san doesn’t have a documented real name—she embodies the spirit of any young girl, making the tale all the more universal.